MV MA 8.16.23 Evening Connect @KJ's Caffe

MV MA 8.16.23 Evening Connect @KJ's Caffe

New Members are welcome and can join and guests will be treated to one free event.

At this location we ask that you purchase a meal (sandwich or salad) for $20 inclusive to support us being at this location and our Dot Sister who owns it. Arrive 30 minutes prior to mingle and grab your food order then the meeting will start promptly at 6 pm and end at 8 pm.

Speaker: Michelle Roche

Title: Here's what I've learned

Description: Michelle tried every diet there is, but once she started paying attention and learning about MACROs that's when the change and education started. There is no "one size fits all" and once we start giving up the things we love and start fueling our bodies and understanding how to do that, good stuff happens!

Takeaways: Members and guess will understand what MACROs are and how they can fuel our bodies. Understand why most "diets" don't work and know that good nutrition is more than just the food we eat.

Meeting Details

Meeting Start Date/Time 08-16-2023 6:00 pm
Meeting End Date/Time 08-16-2023 8:00 pm
Capacity 30
Registered 17
Remaining Seats Available 13
Location KJ's Caffe

We are no longer accepting registration for this meeting